Teresita Nidua's Speech from the Vancouver Stroller Brigade
Thank you for coming out on your Saturday to join & support a worthy cause : $10/a day childcare plan for BC. Thank you for your generosity of time, effort & spirit.
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Campbell River Council urged to support $10aDay Plan
Council last week heard from an advocate of a plan to move early childhood education under the umbrella of the provincial government and create affordable childcare for families. Under the plan, the B.C. ministry of education would subsidize childcare costs, and parents would be left to pay just $10 a...
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Letter to the Editor: Investing in our children
Investing in our Children Vernon Morning Star http://www.vernonmorningstar.com/opinion/letters/303810651.html posted May 15, 2015 at 1:00 AM The week of May 10-17 has been selected as a Week of Action for Child Care. We know that 75 per cent of mothers in Canada with children under the age of six are in...
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Early Childhood Care educators want best for families
Early Childhood Care educators want best for families Kristi Dobson / Alberni Valley Times May 14, 2015 12:00 AM Early childhood care workers are optimistic with the support that has been shown towards the $10/day Child Care Plan. Those in the field believe the initiative for more affordable child care...
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Parents, educators rally for childhood support
by Kevin Campbell - The Northern Viewposted May 13, 2015 at 7:00 AM
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How I became a $10aDay advocate
I’ve had the incredible opportunity to be involved with the $10 a Day Plan since the beginning, back when it was vision. And I’ve had the equally incredible opportunity to have worked with the visionaries that not only saw what could be, they refused to settle for anything less.
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Don Cayo: Better policies would get women to contribute more to the economy
By Don Cayo, Vancouver Sun columnist May 8, 2015 http://www.vancouversun.com/business/Cayo+Better+policies+would+women+contribute+more+economy/11041714/story.html If women participated in the labour force at the same rate as men, the economy of a developed country such as Canada would experience a 12-per-cent jump in GDP, according to Dr. Doom, a.k.a. Nouriel Roubini, the economist who gained...
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Stroller brigade coming up Tuesday
http://www.wltribune.com/news/302997931.html posted May 7, 2015 at 3:00 PM Williams Lake is encouraged to help raise awareness of the need for quality and affordable child care next Tuesday by participating in a stroller brigade, hosted by the Early Childhood Development Network. Participants in the brigade will meet at the Boitanio Mall...
We’re paying for $7/day child care, so why is only one province getting it?
This blog was originally published by www.behindthenumbers.ca and reposted here with permission of the author. Many Canadians don’t know that Quebec has the least expensive childcare in the country at $7/day (well actually $7.30 now). Meanwhile in Toronto parents pay $49/day, and in Vancouver it’s $41 a day for toddlers/preschoolers. It’s no surprise that $7/day...
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This is how I advocate
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. I imagine that I’ll use about that many to tell the story of this particular picture and how the image of something in your mind can develop as it’s processed into a final picture. In my journey...
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Thoughts from the Progress Summit
This time a week ago I was in Ottawa waiting to go on stage and speak at the Broadbent Institute’s second annual Progress Summit. The whole experience of being in Ottawa for the event along with about 900 progressive thinkers and activists from across Canada was a stimulating and invigorating...
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New Polling Information
The results are in and they’re big news! A recent province-wide poll conducted by Insights West confirms that British Columbians overwhelmingly support the $10aDay Child Care Plan.
Here are 5 important findings from the Poll, confirming that a large majority of British Columbians:
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Welcome to 10aDay.ca!
BC families face a crisis in accessing quality, affordable child care. And, the BC government has no plan to meet the needs of working families. Together, we can change this reality! Today, the Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC is pleased to launch the $10aDay Child Care Campaign web...