Thanks and Register to Vote

Thank you so much! Within hours of sending out our recent request for contributions we were almost half way to our fundraising goal! If you haven’t had a chance to contribute yet, no worries - there is still time to help us develop and distribute hard-hitting infographics that highlight the child care crisis in BC today, and the $10aDay solution. And now that the federal election is underway, we’ll all be working hard to make sure child care is a priority throughout the campaign. Stay tuned for regular, short (we promise!) updates and suggested actions that you can take. Let’s start by making sure our families and friends have the information they need to vote. Elections Canada is encouraging everyone to spread the word about voter registration. You need to be registered to vote! Elections Canada’s online voter registration service allows you to: - check if you're registered to vote at - update the address on your voter registration, or register to vote Please share this information widely. And please consider a financial contribution, if you haven’t yet, to making $10aDay child care a priority – and then a reality – in BC.

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