BC has promised to deliver affordable, high-quality, inclusive child care as a core public service for all those who choose it. But right now, more than 75% of BC's children don't have access to a licensed child care space.
If you work in licensed child care, consider contacting the families on your waitlist(s) urging them to sign our petition to fast-track the expansion of $10aDay child care across BC.
Here's some email text you could use:
Hi there,
We're writing to everyone on our waitlist to acknowledge how difficult it is for families to find a licensed child care space for their child. While we – as a single organization – are unable to guarantee a space for all who need it, the BC government has committed to do just that.
So we want to give you an opportunity to call on government to fast-track their child care expansion plans.
The $10aDay Campaign helped launch the plan for high-quality, inclusive $10aDay child care here in BC and across Canada. And they are advocating to speed up child care expansion and ensure qualified educators receive fair compensation.
If you'd like to support their work please consider signing the $10aDay petition, or visit their website for more information.
We hope that one day, long waitlists will be a thing of the past.
Thank you