Learn more about the kind of $10aDay child care system BC needs, and our recommendations about how to build it.
Dec 2024
This publication makes the case for rapidly transitioning all licensed child care programs in BC to a "two-pillar" $10aDay operating funding model that sets consistent fees for families and consistent compensation for educators and other staff.
Dec 2024
This publication lays out the particular accountability issues associated with for-profit child care, and offers ways current BC policy could evolve to address them en route to a unified $10aDay child care funding model.
April 2024
This progress report updates our 2023 analysis showing that wages in BC's promised ECE wage grid need to be at least $30-$40/hour to be competitive, equitable and effective – incorporating new information from across Canada and a more-detailed benchmarking methodology.
July 2023
This analysis shows that wages in BC's promised ECE wage grid need to be at least $30-$40/hour for it to be competitive, equitable and effective.
(policy note | 30-min. video presentation)
Spring 2022
Organized into eight key themes, this system-building roadmap is the latest version of our comprehensive $10aDay Plan.
(summary | full report)
Additional Resources
May 2023
BC's forthcoming child care facility design standards have the potential to ensure all children and educators can play, learn and work in high-quality physical environments, but only if BC's child care expansion is adequately funded and provincially planned.
April 2022
This policy note provides ten recommendations to the BC government to strengthen, hasten, and better integrate its ChildCareBC and CleanBC plans.
Accelerating Implementation of the $10aDay Child Care Plan: Key to BC’s Economic Recovery
April 2021
This policy note calls for the BC government to add significant additional child care operating funding and a new capital budget to accelerate $10aDay implementation and help BC's economy recover from COVID.
September 2020
This joint statement from the Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC and Early Childhood Educators of BC reaffirms the two organizations' shared commitment to working together to make the goal of a respected, well educated, and fairly compensated ECE profession a reality.
June 2020
This comprehensive study finds that a provincial wage grid is the best option to achieve fair and competitive wages for Early Childhood Educators.
(summary | full report)
The $10aDay Plan
February 2019
The 2022 Roadmap (above) can be considered the most recent version of our $10aDay Plan. While this historical version contains some outdated components, it includes additional context for those interested.
Comparing government’s ChildCareBC commitments with the community’s $10aDay Plan
March 2018
This policy note describes how BC's historic 2018 commitment to universal child care drew from and compares to the Community Plan for a Public System of Integrated Early Care and Learning (the $10aDay Plan).
Fee Subsidies Are Not the Answer
October 2017
This policy note explains why the best way to ensure child care is affordable for all families is for government to set capped fees (as in $10aDay programs) and directly fund programs, not provide fee subsidies.
Socio-Economic Impact Analysis of the $10aDay Child Care Plan for British Columbia
January 2017
This in-depth study by economist Robert Fairholm concludes the $10aDay Plan will generate sufficient government revenues to pay for its full implementation, creating 69,100 jobs in the short-term.
(summary | full report)
July 2015
This study by economist and CCPA public interest researcher Iglika Ivanova shows that BC can easily afford to build a $10aDay child care system (either alone or with the federal government), providing substantial benefits for families, communities and the economy.
Archived documents:
Recommendations for Effective Expansion of Licensed Child Care Spaces in BC (December 2019)
- Policy Brief: Child Care Affordability in BC — What’s Working (and What’s Worrying) (September 2018)
- Full Implementation of the $10aDay Child Care Plan: Summary (January 2018)
- Key Areas of Alignment on Child Care: BC Government and BC Green Caucus (November 2017)
- BC Budget 2018: First Steps on $10aDay Child Care (October 2017)
- Fact Sheet 1: What the $10aDay Plan means for Parents and Families
- Fact Sheet 2: Economic Rationale for Investing in the $10aDay Plan
- Fact Sheet 3: Demographics of Children and Families in BC
- Fact Sheet 4: How the $10aDay Plan will Reduce Family Poverty in BC
- Fact Sheet 5: How the $10aDay Plan is Good for BC Business
- Fact Sheet 6: How the $10aDay Plan Supports Early Childhood Educators
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions