Interested in hosting your own local event for the $10aDay Week of Action? It’s not too late to sign up!
We have a whole week of actions that people can complete online planned, but we also need volunteers to organize and lead events and actions in local communities across the province. This can include:
- Sharing $10aDay info at a local child care program. Sign up and we'll mail you a package of materials you can share.
- Collect signatures in your local community. Spend some time knocking on your neighbours' doors, talking to people in the street, connecting with other families in community spaces, and collect signatures in support of the $10aDay plan. Every signature helps make our voices stronger.
- Organize a Stroller Brigade. Meet up with other local families who are feeling squeezed by the child care crisis, get outside, and get loud!
- Organize a coffee shop meet up with parents & grandparents. Invite your friends & neighbours to come share personal stories about how they're coping with the child care crisis. Invite your local MLA and MLA candidates to join the conversation.
- Organize a visit to your local MLA's office. Set a day & time to rally with other local families at your local MLA's office, and let them know that affordable child care is a key issue for BC families.
- Help out in other ways. Get creative! We would love to hear your ideas on how you want to get involved.