What’s next: Advocacy Priorities after Budget 2018

$10aDAY PLAN SUPPORTERS ARE CELEBRATING the BC government’s commitment to building a quality, universal child care system. Child Care BC acknowledges the importance of a fairly- compensated workforce and a system built on affordability for all families.

We will hold government accountable for its Child Care BC commitments. We also know that multiple stakeholders — including parents, grandparents, child care providers, Indigenous leadership and communities, local governments, school districts, unions, employers, and the federal government — have important roles to play.

As government begins to roll out Child Care BC, our advocacy priorities will focus on encouraging:

1. BC government — $10aDay supporters urge you to:

  • Improve ECE wages in 2018;
  • Expand the Fee Reduction Initiative so that the affordable child care bene t can be reduced over time;
  • Expand operating funding for providers who o er reduced fees, in order to support quality programming; and
  • Ensure that as ECE training programs are updated and expanded they include the history, cultures, and practices of Indigenous peoples, as appropriate, and that these learnings are followed in programs for all children.

2. Local governments, school districts and other public partners — $10aDay supporters urge you to:

  • Work with the BC government to prioritize the child care needs of families with young children in all aspects of planning for your communities.

3. Child care providers — $10aDay supporters urge you to:

  • Join the Fee Reduction Initiative promptly so that you can receive additional funds to reduce parent fees, and contribute to building a system of high quality, affordable child care in BC.

After decades of neglect, the child care chaos will not be solved with just one budget — even a substantive one like this. We will continue to keep our eyes on the prize and works toward a fully implemented system that meets the needs of families with children from birth to age 12, the ECE workforce, and communities.

Click here to download a PDF version of this update.

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