IWD Highlights Child Care

On International Women’s Day, Child Care was a Highlight!

What do a former Governor-General of Canada, a federal election candidate, an executive in the environment sector and a Toronto Star editorial all have in common? On International Women’s Day 2016 they all prioritized child care as key to actually achieving women’s equality in Canada.

Adrienne Clarkson, Canada’s 26th Governor General, noted in a Globe and Mail article that:

People in Canada don’t realize that in all of Europe there is adequate daycare. This makes it possible for women to at least begin to think that they are being dealt a fair hand

Tara Cullis, President and Co-Founder of David Suzuki Foundation, put it bluntly in the article:

… many women will never be free to contribute their other skills to society until daycare and eldercare programs are in place

Mira Oreck,  Director of Public Engagement, Broadbent Institute and an NDP candidate in the 2015 federal election - observed in the Huffington Post  the growing momentum on child care, commenting that:

…today, each call to action becomes more credible than the last, with economists, feminists, educators, and every day Canadians demanding we rectify Canada's poor national standing on child care.

And a Toronto Star Editorial concluded:

No single move by governments would make such a big difference in the lives of women and families as a comprehensive national plan to provide quality, affordable child care. On the day set aside to mark women’s achievements, and the barriers that keep them from making even more progress, it’s worth remembering that.

We agree! Let’s keep the $10aDay Child Care Plan momentum going! We know that when our voices are many we get the attention of decision-makers and politicians, so please help us amplify the call for quality, affordable child care. Please Like us on Facebook and invite your friends to Like us too. We’re about to reach 3,000 likes – let’s work together to make it 4,000!

Together we will achieve quality, affordable child care - the $10aDay Plan - to benefit BC's children, families and our economy.

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