Child Care was the top election platform spending commitment for both the BC NDP and the BC Greens, so it should be a top priority as they implement their Agreement.
Recognizing the current child care chaos for BC families, the Greens and the NDP made election commitments to invest substantial funds in a universal system of high quality, affordable child care. In stark contrast to the BC Liberals status quo approach, child care was the most significant area of new spending in both the BC Green Party and BC NDP platforms.
“Given the alignment between the two parties’ platforms, we called on the NDP and Greens to work together to prioritize action on child care” says $10aDay Spokesperson Sharon Gregson. “So we’re pleased to see child care commitments in the joint agreement because families have expectations that their child care chaos will be fixed.”
The BC NDP and BC Green Party platforms were aligned in ways that support prompt, decisive action on child care. Both included substantial new public funding to make quality, affordable child care available across BC by:
- Integrating child care with education
- Reducing or eliminating parent fees
- Developing the child care workforce
- Building more spaces, so child care is available for all families who choose it
The $10aDay Child Care Plan delivers on the agreement priorities. The benefits and costs of the $10aDay Plan have been assessed with financing and implementation plans developed. The $10aDay Plan is supported by families, communities, local governments, school districts and business groups across the province, together representing 2 million British Columbians.
Child care should be a top priority for the new NDP/Green alliance. The $10aDay Plan provides a clear roadmap for action, and we are ready, willing and able to work with both parties to build the quality, affordable child care system that BC’s families so clearly want and need.