BC Election 2024 Media Release

Where is $10aDay Child Care in BC Election Platforms?

Child care in BC is now more affordable, more accessible and better supported than it has ever been, but much more is required to ensure all BC families can access $10aDay child care and early childhood educators are fairly compensated.

Our analysis of Election Platforms looks for commitments to action in 4 key areas – increase educator compensation, accelerate the transition of existing spaces to $10aDay, provide school-age child care in every school, increase capital funding for new facilities – all in alignment with the Canada-wide funding agreement.

BC Green Party

The Green Party Platform is strongly aligned with BC’s existing commitments and our advocacy priorities including commitments to an educator wage grid, transitioning programs to achieve $10aDay for all, accessible and affordable before and after school care for all, and a capital program and budget. We call on the Greens to advocate boldly for prompt implementation of their commitments, including acceleration of the educator wage grid implementation.


The NDP Platform continues to be aligned with existing federal/provincial funding commitments and addresses some key advocacy priorities. It promises more affordable before and after school care and commits to a child care capital plan and budget to build new facilities, adding much-needed spaces to the system. Its main weaknesses are the lack of commitments to an educator wage grid and rapid transition of existing child care to $10aDay. We call on the NDP for bolder and more decisive action on these priorities.

Conservative Party of BC

While the Conservatives promise more $10aDay child care, their commitment is not backed up with a budget and is based on misunderstandings about child care in BC. They are silent on an educator wage grid, and their intention to expand spaces by eliminating ‘red tape’ could undermine quality. We are concerned that their proposals may take us back to BC’s failed market-based approach rather than move us forward to a quality, universal $10aDay system. We call on the Conservatives to base their child care policy on well-established research and the lived expertise of BC families and educators.

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Authorized by the Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC registered sponsor under the Election Act [email protected]

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