For Immediate release - August 31, 2021
$10aDay or Tax Credit? BC voters have a clear choice on child care in Federal Election 2021
British Columbians Expect Governments to deliver $10aDay Child Care
BC is so close to seeing $10aDay child care become a life-changing reality for more families. The recently-signed federal child care funding agreement will accelerate BC’s progress by creating thousands of new licensed spaces, increasing wages for educators, supporting Indigenous-led child care and reducing parent fees to a maximum of $10aDay. But the momentum on child care – and on Canada’s pandemic recovery – is at risk in this election.
The Liberals and the NDP are committed to a $10aDay system, but the Conservatives indicate they will cancel the existing child care funding agreements with 8 provinces and territories. Instead, they offer a tax credit scheme – a partial refund of parent fees paid. A recent study estimates the Conservative’s tax credit will save BC families using full-time licensed child care only about $3,000 annually. The Liberal and NDP commitment is more significant, saving BC families about $6,000 next year and closer to $10,000 annually as fees are reduced to $10aDay.
Clearly, tax credits are not the solution. They don’t ensure child care is affordable, to support mother’s workforce participation and Canada’s economic recovery. They don’t ensure educators - predominantly women and often racialized - are fairly paid. They don’t support high quality, inclusive programs for children or gender equality. In fact, there are no examples of effective child care systems funded through tax credits.
Effective systems in other jurisdictions include $10aDay Plan elements – public funding to ensure affordable, inclusive programs for all families who choose child care, staffed with well-compensated, educated professionals. The benefits of BC’s progress to date are already evident - 98% of families in $10aDay programs report reduced financial stress and improved quality of life. BC needs to build on this momentum, and move forward with a $10aDay system, not backward with an ineffective tax credit.
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Developed by the Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC and ECEBC, the broadly-supported $10aDay Child Care Plan is grounded in research and lived expertise and informed by ongoing consultation province-wide.
Sharon Gregson $10aDay Child Care Campaign 604-505-5725 [email protected]
Lynell Anderson CPA CGA 604-313-6904 [email protected]