Bilateral Negotiations

June 2021

Bilateral Child Care Negotiations

BC is expected to be the first province/territory to reach an Agreement with the Federal government for new child care funds committed in the 2021 Federal Budget.

The Federal Government has adopted the goal of providing $10aDay child care across Canada and has allocated significant, sustained funds – enough to make substantial progress on universal access to $10aDay Child Care a reality in BC.  It is therefore essential that governments use this historic opportunity to move away from fragmented grants and subsidies to system building policies and funding.

We are in full support of the rights of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples to design, develop, and deliver early care and learning services that meet their needs as established in the Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework. We acknowledge that Indigenous communities have and may evolve their services in directions other than those outlined here.

We recommend the following conditions and priorities for government.

Read the full document - conditions and priorities here....

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