Our formal submission to the BC government recommends three key actions in Budget 2024.
The Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC recognizes the measurable progress on child care to date. However, to achieve government’s commitment to a quality system, BC must take immediate action on 3 key roadblocks facing the child care sector, with full implementation in BC Budget 2024.
Recommendation #1
First, implement a fair, competitive Early Childhood Educator (ECE) Wage Grid ranging from at least $30-$40/hr ($2023).
Recommendation #2
Second, end the current, ineffective, application-based process for creating new child care facilities. Implement immediate, rapid expansion of school-age spaces in elementary schools and introduce a capital budget and plan in BC Budget 2024 to build high quality, climate-resilient new child care facilities with public, non-profit and Indigenous partners.
Recommendation #3
Third, immediately stabilize existing $10aDay programs with sufficient funding to ensure regional consistency of current ECE compensation. BC Budget 2024 should include a 3-year plan and funding to transition all interested programs to $10aDay using an equitable funding formula that supports implementation of fair ECE overall compensation with accountability measures.
Download the full document here including background on the recommendations...