Roadblock 1: Recruitment and Retention Crisis
This page would act as a nicely-browseable index page for everything related to the R&R crisis and our featured solution of a wage grid.
For example:
- Links to more info about the problem
- Our briefing note, video, 2020 Next Steps report
- Featured action
- Etc.
Roadblock 2: Haphazard Expansion
This page would act as a nicely-browseable index page for everything related to the Haphazard Expansion and our featured solution of a provincially-planned solution.
For example:
- More info about the problem
- Key aspects of a provincially-planned expansion like using school classrooms and school grounds, high-quality facilities (Design Standards stuff)
- Featured action (eventually...)
- Etc.
Roadblock 3: Messy Operating Funding
This page would act as a nicely-browseable index page for everything related to the current Roadblock of messy operating funding, and our featured solution of an integrated funding model that caps fees, pays for the wage grid, pays for other stuff, and is applied across the entire publicly-funded system sooner rather than later (hockey stick adoption).
For example:
- More info about the problem
- Operating funding briefing note and video presentation (eventually)
- Featured action (eventually...)
- Etc.