Together we've made history.

Affordable child care in BC is on its way, thanks to you.

Because of the $10aDay Campaign, our province is now building a universal child care system. But without bold action, BC risks getting stuck.

Download our latest $10aDay Plan (the 2022 Roadmap)

The $10aDay Plan calls for three key things, all within a system that upholds Indigenous rights and advances reconciliation:

Affordable Fees

More Licensed Spaces

Better ECE Compensation
Since 2018, the BC government has made progress on all three.
Thanks to the $10aDay campaign, BC now has
$10aDay child care spaces. And families not yet in $10aDay programs are saving up to $900/month, per child.
But there are big roadblocks in the way of further progress.
Fees for many families are still too high, child care expansion isn’t happening fast enough, and ECE wages are still too low.
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